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  5. Staff & Board Members


Erin Fulbright

Erin Fulbright

Interim Executive Director

Paulette Hayes

Paulette Hayes


Rhonda Chube

Rhonda Chube

Community Health Worker

Christin Mallet

Christin Mallet

Community Health Worker

Board Members

Alvin Henry, Jr.

Alvin Henry, Jr.


Business Technology, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

Bridgette Fortenberry

Bridgette Fortenberry


East Baton Rouge Parish School System

Aaron M. Ruffin

Aaron M. Ruffin


Barrasso Usdin Freeman Kupperman & Sarver

Leola B. Conley

Leola B. Conley

Board Member

Retired. Master of Education in Counseling and Development

Terrell Dupard

Terrell Dupard

Board Member

Dupard Law Firm, LLC.

Steven M. Jackson, Jr.

Steven M. Jackson, Jr.

Board Member

University Medical Center- New Orleans

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© 2008-2021 The Sickle Cell Association of South Louisiana is a not-for-profit organization recognized as tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3). Our mission is to bring hope to families in south Louisiana affected by this devastating disease.

Volunteers Needed

  • Clerical Assistance, Tutoring, Mentoring, Special Event, etc WORKPLACE GIVING
  • Provide an opportunity for employee giving through payroll deductions.

Sponsor An Event

Consider sponsoring an event at your church, school, or business to raise funds for sickle cell disease.